Below topics will be covered:
1. Introduction
2. Installing SQL Server
3. Importing Sample Data
4. General Database Concepts
5. Basic SELECT Statements
6. Dealing with operators AND, OR & NOT
7. Filtering with the WHERE Clause
8. Symbolic Logic and Truth Table Practice
9. Filtering with ORDER BY Clause
10. Joins
i. Inner join
ii. Left join
iii. Right join
iv. Full join
11. Union
12. Aliases
13. Null handling
14. Learning more operators
i. Like (including wildcards)
ii. In
iii. Between
15. Delete & Update statements
16. Dealing with FUNCTIONS
i. MIN
ii. MAX
iii. AVG
v. SUM
17. Date and Time Built In Functions
18. CASE statements
19. Intro to Stored procedures
20. Dealing with Database
i. Creating DB
ii. Drop DB
iii. Backup DB
21. Dealing with Tables
i. Create table
ii. Alter table
iii. Drop table
iv. Primary key and Foreign key
22. Complete lab practice